Tiny, pink bumps. Mainly on the face, neck, chest and upper back.
Occurs during hot, humid weather or after lots of sun.
Heat rash can be itchy. Older children may have a "prickly" pins and needles feeling.
In babies, the rash can have some tiny water blisters.
No fever or illness.
Heat rash is caused by blocked-off sweat glands. Hot, humid weather can cause the sweat glands to be overworked.
Babies can also get it in the wintertime from ointments put on the skin. Reason: Ointments can block off sweat glands.
Ointments and Location. Heat rash of the forehead can be caused by oil or ointment on hair. Breastfed babies can get a heat rash on their face from lanolin. The mother may use lanolin on her nipples. A chest heat rash can be caused by menthol ointments put on for coughs.
Older children can get heat rash with hard exercise.
Prevention of Recurrent Heat Rash
During hot weather, try to stay cool.
Lower the temperature in your home if you can.
Dress in as few layers of clothing as you can.
During sleep, be sure your child is not overdressed.
After Care Advice
Heat rash is caused by blocked-off sweat glands.
It's common in hot, humid weather.
Here is some care advice that should help.
Cool off the skin to treat and prevent heat rash.
For large rashes, give your child a cool bath without soap. Do this for 10 minutes. (Caution: Avoid any chill.) Let the skin air-dry. Do this 3 or more times a day.
For small rashes, put a cool, wet washcloth on the area. Do this for 5 to 10 minutes. Then let the skin air-dry.
Dress in as few layers of clothing as you can.
Lower the temperature in your home if you can.
When your child is asleep, run a fan in the bedroom.
During sleep, have your child lie on a cotton towel to absorb sweat. (Note: Only for older children age over 1 year.)
Steroid Cream:
Use 1% hydrocortisone cream. No prescription is needed.
Put it on itchy spots 3 times per day.
Avoid hydrocortisone ointment.
Calamine lotion can also work.
Do Not Use Ointments:
Avoid all ointments or oils on the skin. Reason: They can block off sweat glands.
Be sure the rash isn't caused by a menthol ointment. This product is put on the chest for a cough. It can cause a heat rash.
What to Expect:
With treatment, heat rash will clear up in 2 to 3 days.
Author:Barton Schmitt MD, FAAP Copyright
Disclaimer:This health information is for educational purposes only. You the reader assume full responsibility for how you choose to use it.